NFTs for All. NFT world designed by LINE.
Hello from DOSI team.
We are announcing the Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat Evolve function update, which will be held on Monday, September 11th.
CATBOTICA RoboCat Evolve will have the same synthetic system and DON attributes and bonuses as the previously announced Citizen Friends Evolve.
Please find more details in below.
• Overview
◦ An Evolve system is being introduced for Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat NFT collections, where users can evolve into a higher +DON attribute Friends by combining three NFTs from the same Citizen Friends collection.
◦ When evolving, the evolved NFT will inherit the favorite parts of one of the evolving Friends.
◦ The evolved Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat collection will be categorized separately from the pre-evolved original Friends collection, allowing for duplicate acquisition of +DON attributes.
◦ The evolved Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat will receive an additional random +DON bonus, in addition to the +DON attributes combined from the three Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat used for evolution.
‣ The probability of receiving an additional +DON bonus is as follows:
• Citizen Friends Evolve Reference Link
◦ Evolve Guide Medium:
• Evove Applied Citizen Friends Collection (2023/09/11)
◦ Citizen Cat, Citizen Dog, Citizen Goose, Citizen Chameleon, Citizen Friends x CATBOTICA RoboCat
(More Citizen Friends collections will be introduced in the future.)
• Implementation Date
◦ 2023.09.11 (Mon.) 02:00 (UTC)
We kindly request your continued interest in DOSI Citizen!
Thank you,